AJ's Website Olivia's Website Wyatt's Website Family page Trucking photos

Frequencies on KD5AR Streaming Audio:
446.175 MHz - KD5AR IRLP 8631 - Milton, FL
146.760 MHz - W4UC Repeater - Pensacola, FL
146.440 MHz - WA5HC IRLP 4825 - Milton, FL
146.850 MHz - WB4OQF Repeater - Pensacola, FL
444.725 MHz - Florida SARNET Repeater - Milton, FL
145.490 MHz - W4VIY Milton ARC repeater - Milton, FL
146.700 MHz - Santa Rosa County EOC K4SRC repeater - Milton, FL
146.610 MHz - KC4SME Repeater - Pensacola, FL
Please note: from time to time, there will be digital noise. This is from analog repeaters using digital as well.

KD5AR Streaming Audio

WA5HC Streaming Audio

IRLP Node 8631 Status Monitor

Milton, Florida Weather

If you aren't familiar with how to read solar conditions charts, this is a helpful website for that!

This is a picture of me and my three awesome children.
From left to right: Wyatt (7), Olivia (9), and AJ (11)


Anytone AT-D878UV HT, Radioddity GD-88 HT, and DMR hotspot

Updated picture of ham station KD5AR


Antenna for the streaming audio scanner and Whistler 1010 Streaming Audio Scanner

Any questions, please feel free to email me .
Thank you for visiting!

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